Thursday, March 10, 2005


The week has gone by pretty fast...It's already thursday and I'm preparing for a big weekend. This week I have managed to not spend a whole lot of money on food or alcohol or anything really. I have gained self control and have not had tim tams or shapes all week! This weekend will be a little different spending money-wise though. Not only did I spend fifty dollars today to buy new boots (soccer cleats) for frisbee , which are really exciting, but I will be spending the weekend in Melbourne, Australia for a tournament. I'm so excited to be going to my first tournament! YAY. We only could get five girls to go so we'll have to gang up with another team so we have a full one to play but it should still hopefully be fun. I don't know how much of Melbourne I'll get to see but hopefully I'll get to see a little bit! We're leaving Friday at about 3 pm and are packing in a car and driving to Melbourne which is an 8 hour plenty of time to either sleep or do homework! haha. Hopefully the trip won't be too expensive but I know I'm going to have to take a bunch of cash out for accomodations and food so i can survive!

Along with that Frisbee last night was great again! We had three games going on and I was so pumped to play and just heaps excited. Two guys that live here at Aquinas (Sunny and Gretsy aka Dave) play frisbee, not on the mens team but in the Tuesday night leagues, and so I was able to catch a ride with them. They are great guys and lots of fun, we threw the disc together just the other night too! A couple of IES kids have been playing too so it's lots of fun to go to frisbee and see them! It was a great time minus the crappy wind and the craziness that is new frisbee players!

Besides frisbee everything else is good. School is good, people are good, the whole lot. Last night was pub night but I skipped out on that and just hung out at the college with people who were still around. This was nice and relaxing especially after a night of frisbee. However, I need to learn to go to bed earlier! 2 am should NOT be my bed time! I had a meeting with my study abroad adivsor over here today. It was pretty much a check up to make sure I'm alive and well and am surviving Australia and my living arrangements and stuff. Anyway we were talking and I'm telling her everything is good, but towards the end she looks at me and says "well you look pretty tired today" and well I was... that's what I get for staying up until 2 am most nights.

Well I'm going to leave you all with that and I will give you all an update when I get back from Melbourne. So until then...
much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only you would travel 10,000 miles to play ultimate. Enjoy!!