Saturday, February 26, 2005

jiminey CRICKET!

no worries I will explain the title soon enough... but first i'm going to touch on a few things, like the end of O'Week. It is finally over, no more crazy stunts, or weird dressing up things to do. I don't know where I left off, but this week we had a cross dressing dance, our formal tea where we had to go to mass and then a nice dinner where they provided wine for us and yummy food. After the formal we had a barn dance, or as it has been called back at Luther - contra dancing. It was lots and lots of fun except I felt bad the band when they taught us dances and the drunk kids weren't really paying attention. Thursday night was the official Pub night where we spent the night at the Cathedral which is Aquinas' pub of choice. My American friends Rebecca, Amber and I left kind of early and went to get some pizza, and then being the pigs that we are we went across the street and bought a 2 litre thing of double chocolate ice cream which we finished off at the college. I have eaten so badly this week it's crazy!

Friday night I experienced what Aussies call a Pub Crawl. This is very much like bar hopping back home but planned, and i have never experienced this concept before. We went to five different pubs in one night starting at 8pm! When we got to the fifth pub we had trouble as Americans getting in because this pub (The London) is just picky about ids so it was kind of annoying, but once we finally got in I wasn't all that impressed. It was really loud and there was heaps of alcohol on the floor already. Plus the guys seemed a little dodgy and the weirdest thing was that there was a big screen that had Mortal Kombat playing on it. It was weird. Needless to say I stayed for only a short while and then made my way back towards O'Connell street to get some food with my friend Amber.

Saturday I spent with Amber and Rebecca mostly sitting around reading from the book America :-) which Aussies do not find as entertaining as us. We then decided to make a trip to the food mart so we could pick up snack food and Aloe for Bec since she was burnt from the trip to the beach the day before. (by the way, the beach was SO amazing and it was a gorgeous day friday!) We met up with Blair who is another IES student but lives in an apartment. We all hung out the rest of the afternoon in my room and then Amber and I went to Blair's apartment where she cooked for us and our friend Dave. It was nice to see Blair and her room mate Becca again. We then ended up hanging out with our friends at Lincoln College which was great!

Now on to the title of this entry ( by the way sorry if these get really really long, I'll try to shorten my stories! but I think most of you know how bad I am at that) So this afternoon (Sunday) my friend Fiona talked Rebecca and I into going to cricket practice. Now this game is so odd, it's like baseball but not, but I still find it really entertaining and quite intriguing. I didn't do much except bowl (like pitching). During this practice one of the girls that was hitting hit one over the fence of where we were practicing and broke a window in the building next to where we were, which is my building. So of course I went to check if it was my window...and sure enough it was. Luckily it didn't go through the window where my laptop was sitting but I now have glass all over my bed and my floor which can't be cleaned up at the moment because the power in my hall is out, how ironic is that?! So that is my story for the day. Hope you all enjoyed that! love you all!



Cassie said...

Hi Smuder!

It's fun to read about all of your adventures. I'm glad that you are having a good time 'down under' sounds so wonderful. Life in México is very good...time is flying and it's been absolutely great.

I hope that you are well!
Take care Emily,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a blast! That is a little funny about your window - it just happen to be yours! Poor girl!

:-) Sarah B.