Thursday, February 22, 2007

what? i still have a blog?

so i think blogger just made me update my blog. I don' t know. I'm changing the template anyway. We'll see what happens.
I just briefly looked at my old blogs. As much as I thought I was going to be acting more responsible... i reallyhaven't. Sure I work now...all the time, but I still haven't become serious about saving. I have started to look for an apartment but have no credit history. Which means I should build some. I've been kind of lazy to do anything though... ALL DAMN WEEK! And well blogging never gets done either.

I still believe that people should not be allowed to buy cheese that is fat free, low fat, reduced fat, or 'lite'. First it tastes nasty, second it can be a pain for us deli workers to slice ( i did the other day, and the shit got ALL over the slicer!), and it's just gross! bleh! Eat real cheese people!

what else? oh yeah... no one checks this so this update may not matter, but... life is good. Working is hard. It really is. It's also kind of a surreal feeling knowing that I am somewhat of a grown-up now going to work everyday. :-) That's also kind of hard to deal with. My job isn't really hard but it can get to me. It's hard to find the time to get all of my paperwork done while doing desk duties, getting things for residents and so on... plus I can't really leave the desk if the other mental health worker is away and no one else is around. Oh and I can't bring paperwork home which sucks because I'd get a lot more done at home than I would at work. Home is a lot quieter at night. NO one is up and asking me to get them things. At work I am almost always constantly busy doing something and when I'm not, I tend to take the time to breathe! The job is good but I feel bad because my paperwork has been late, and my meetings with those on my caseload have been fewer than should be! eeek! it's scary. At least my supervisor is super nice about everything and I think most people understand.

you know I usually think of something good and witty to write in here when I'm not near a computer...same goes for when I think about writing in my journal...what a cruel fucking world it is ;-)
that's about all I've got on my mind besides the usual. Oh and the fact that calling cards are a total ripoff. Damn AT&T bastards. I'm hoping that more of you Aussies (ahem MEL) will get skype so I can call more often :-)
i should be in bed.
much love to all.