Wednesday, December 13, 2006

life is pretty good.

I now have three comforts of Australia right here in MN. Not only can I buy Cooper's and Tim Tams for a decent price (finds from this summer) but I recently heard The Cat Empire on my favorite radio station! How exciting. Not that I think Cat Empire is the epitomy of Aussie music (I'd probably freak out and drop dead if I heard the Holy Grail on the radio!)--but it's another comfort. I got so excited that I rang Will up and gushed about Australia and Adelaide with him for awhile. It's always nice to bring back good memories.

Something new in life, to me, is this thing most people call dating. I've probably talked about this before, but... Well I've had boyfriends in the past and relationships, but have never really done that thing that people call 'dating'. It has caught me a little off-guard beginning this summer with a friend asking me on a date, which I turned down because, well I guess I don't believe in going on dates with friends, who I believe are just friends. But that was the first time I think I had ever been seriously asked on a date! It was weird. I was also a little inibriated (spelling?) when I was asked. The second one happened early November. This was the first random one. A guy I met while down in Winona for frisbee. He seemed nice and he found me via Facebook (I guess the times are changing) so I finally gave him a call. We went out once and then I ran into him not long after at a restaurant but haven't seen him since. I haven't really felt the drive to ask him out myself. ANd although he was a nice fella and I kind of hope that the two of us get together again and at least become friends he wasn't so good with the planning part of a date. Now...the third, a co-worker asked me. Although he's got another week? left of law school finals I said yes. So now I'm wondering in crazy excitement what this date will turn out to be like and if he will actually follow through. Then yesterday, and this was the weirdest, another guy from work who works in the restuarant and whom I barely ever see asked me on a date. It was really random and kind of freaked me out. I didn't make up any lies to turn him down, but it was weird trying to find a way to say no without hurting his feelings. I am so NOT experienced in this field that I can't say I really know what to do when this shit happens. So this has been the excitement in my life lately. The excitement and the weirdness. ..

As I sit in the coffee shop not far from my house I'm kind of wishing that there were more interesting people here to observe. I need a new book to read. These people are boring this afternoon. I just finished reading SHannon's post about the people in the coffee shop and the people here are not nearly as interesting. I have a list of things to do today and well I've only done about three of them done. I am still being lazy and not making a hair appointment, or getting that package sent out which has been sitting in my room for ever! I also have absolutely NO drive to go shopping for christmas gifts. I think I'll leave most of it to next week. I can't stand shopping.
my battery is getting low....

Friday, December 01, 2006

not even 20 minutes

so i'm kind of bored at work.
it's not even 7pm yet. The guys are just kind of keeping to themselves. They're never really up for much on friday nights it seems.
This day has been SO long and I'm ready for it to be over. I'm hoping that my family saved me some pizza so I have something to eat when I get home. Tator Tots just do not cut it for dinner. :-P I've been up since 6 and working since 7am. Happily the deli hours went by pretty fast. I basically got to chill with Kim most of the day. She's cool.

Well i've done my usual make dinner. Although I haven't done some of the dishes yet. And have only interacted with the tenants a little. I feel kind of like a bum when I don't do anything with the residents but I also hate to be annoying and forceful. I might just end up reading the rest of my book since the guys don't really want to do anything. Makes ya feel kind of bad though when you just sit and do nothing while you're supposed to be working...I'm still learning everything and i still get a little afraid that I might screw some things up...:-P But overall i enjoy the job.

besides that. I'm leaving for Decorah on Saturday night with Kayla, Kris and Mariss to go to the Christmas at Luther concert Sunday afternoon. I'm so excited to have some days off! YES! I actually got lucky with getting my two days i requested and then I got Tuesday off too which helps! Means I can spend time with the girls back up in the cities and hopefully get a couple interviews in!
wow...i've only passed about twenty minutes ... is it 10 yet? I'm ready to pack for tomorrow and go to bed. I've already read my email. REsponded to a few. but now i'm not really in the mood. Dinked around on facebook already. Got bored... sigh... is it 10 yet? :-) I love this job, but this day is loooooong!