Friday, July 27, 2007

Captain Planet

so whatever happened to Captain Planet?
He was supposed to be "our hero" and was going to take "pollution down to a zero".
Psh... he clearly did not. I wonder if he inspired Al Gore though? They'd probably be buddies I think. They should bring Captain Planet back. He never finished his job damnit!

Now maybe he should work on global warming...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

nothing fits

luckily this doesn't have to do with clothes or bras which I went shopping for, although bras tend to not fit me correctly, but I did good and got measured and took my time. It was exhausting!

But like I said this post really has nothing to do with clothes and bras.

What it does have to do with is what I was thinking about this afternoon after my shopping trip. I began to realize that I really wasn't part of any 'group'. I don't fit into any real category. not that this is a bad thing, but it's a little uplifting and yet also a little depressing. I've done lots of things. Played sports, played in band, worked with plays and did community service stuff. But honestly I never was really any of what comes with those. I'm no athlete. I'm not very musical: singing or playing an instrument, although I do love music. I'm not an actor. i'm actually quite terrible at it probably because I'm quite shy sometimes. But then again i wasn't so shy that I was a loner. I have some very outgoing friends. I'm not very artsy, although I love art and took classes in high school which I miss. Sometimes I wish I could fit in there. I love that my sister did photography in college. And I like to think I'm artsy when I watch films and visit the art museum, but I don't really fit that crowd either. I liked the punk thing in high school but I never got serious about it. I didn't have or care to spend the money on studded belts, piercings, and tattoos. I guess I had the church back in high school, but I wasn't overly into that either. I loved it, but I definitely will probably never devote my whole life to the church. Oh and I wasn't one of those smart kids either. I didn't have academics helping me out.

I guess I've always wondered why I didn't have a specific group or following to follow. But then again when I think about it now i shouldn't really worry too much. I quite like the way I turned out and that I like many things although it's a little depressing that I'm not much good at most things I do. I'm quite 'average' I suppose. But then again..what does 'average' mean? I guess I have come to the conclusion that being labeled as a certain person or as part of a certain group is quite a good thing. But I feel as though when I try to participate in the many different things that I'm not much good at that I will be rejected because i am not overly artsy, athletic, punk, preppy, popular, etc., etc.... And THAT I can't stand. I should be allowed to do and like a large variety of activities and lifestyles and not have to feel as though I am being judged. I guess I never felt judged at college really. i joined ultimate and people there just really don't seem to care. And although I love ultimate and played a lot, I'm not the best at it. But i do like to think it's one of the things I might actually be 'good' at. I hope that I'm good at doing my job too!

Maybe I'm over thinking this, but it just popped into my head today. And I must say that I actually feel quite comfortable with not being part of just one group. Or at least being labeled as one certain thing. Although I'm getting labeled more and more as being a psych geek it seems. People do like to ask if I'm analyzing them...

I don't know if I'll every really know who I am. I'm sure I will still catch myself in the mirror, stare at my face and wonder who the heck I am and how I got here.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

what? i still have a blog?

so i think blogger just made me update my blog. I don' t know. I'm changing the template anyway. We'll see what happens.
I just briefly looked at my old blogs. As much as I thought I was going to be acting more responsible... i reallyhaven't. Sure I work now...all the time, but I still haven't become serious about saving. I have started to look for an apartment but have no credit history. Which means I should build some. I've been kind of lazy to do anything though... ALL DAMN WEEK! And well blogging never gets done either.

I still believe that people should not be allowed to buy cheese that is fat free, low fat, reduced fat, or 'lite'. First it tastes nasty, second it can be a pain for us deli workers to slice ( i did the other day, and the shit got ALL over the slicer!), and it's just gross! bleh! Eat real cheese people!

what else? oh yeah... no one checks this so this update may not matter, but... life is good. Working is hard. It really is. It's also kind of a surreal feeling knowing that I am somewhat of a grown-up now going to work everyday. :-) That's also kind of hard to deal with. My job isn't really hard but it can get to me. It's hard to find the time to get all of my paperwork done while doing desk duties, getting things for residents and so on... plus I can't really leave the desk if the other mental health worker is away and no one else is around. Oh and I can't bring paperwork home which sucks because I'd get a lot more done at home than I would at work. Home is a lot quieter at night. NO one is up and asking me to get them things. At work I am almost always constantly busy doing something and when I'm not, I tend to take the time to breathe! The job is good but I feel bad because my paperwork has been late, and my meetings with those on my caseload have been fewer than should be! eeek! it's scary. At least my supervisor is super nice about everything and I think most people understand.

you know I usually think of something good and witty to write in here when I'm not near a computer...same goes for when I think about writing in my journal...what a cruel fucking world it is ;-)
that's about all I've got on my mind besides the usual. Oh and the fact that calling cards are a total ripoff. Damn AT&T bastards. I'm hoping that more of you Aussies (ahem MEL) will get skype so I can call more often :-)
i should be in bed.
much love to all.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

i'm determined to start acting at least a little bit more grown up.
I'm starting to bring in the money, with three jobs and all and am beginning to realize that I should start saving! I have a great desire to make it back to Australia as soon as I can. But if that doesn't pan out I want to hop over to NY for a bit since I've never been and since LJ has asked when I'll visit her. Also I have the great desire to jump over to Oregon again. I miss it. I miss Krista too. I loved visiting her was so beautiful. I want to be back in the mountains and feel like Jack Kerouac a la Dharma Bums. So I'm quite determined now. I have some traveling goals that NEED to be fulfilled. I'm gathering that once spring comes around I can probably do it. I'll have racked up some days off with the new job and will also have made some money, and although I will still have bills to pay... I can't imagine that they will hurt me too much. I just keep paying the least amount possible. So to do all of this I'm going to start managing my money. I'm going to cut up all my old receipts and from here on out I'm going to actually use my check book again to keep track of money. And... a savings account?! YES! I need it. I have $500 stashed away in my parents' account right now which is a start and I have three pay checks to put in the bank. I think I'll be doing well soon enough. Maybe...just maybe I'll have enough to travel AND move out AND pay bills... of course. The moving out thing will definitely wait until spring when Leah gets back and we chat more about possibly getting a place together. There are new apartments opening up by where I work and although it's not the best neighborhood (what neighborhood really is in MPLS?) I kind of like the location. It's across the street from work, they're new, they're blocks from the Metrodome (HELLO LOTS of Twins games!) and it's near the city :-) If that fails I'm really keen on moving out to any place that's NOT a suburb or on the west side of the city...that's just too far from work. I'm getting ahead of myself really, but I love the fact taht I can start thinking about these things and planning them....:-)

And... although i've been working all the time I am quite happy with life. With the money I'm making and with my social life. Although i don't get out much I"m not complaining. I see those poeple who matter most to me often enough and though it's not ALL going the way I'd like it to I'm hapy to have my feet firmly planted in a job and am feeling stable.

on another note. I really want another tattoo and since I feel like I'm making a good chunk of money... I should just do it. Nat just got one and the lady who did it was super awesome. I might visit her. Or I'm looking for input on drawings of a black swan... so do send them my way if you'd like ;-)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Just Say NO to Fat Free Cheese!

so i don't write here anymore really...well not since december and I'm getting told I should. But I don't reckon many people read this anymore. OH well. Today I had an idea for a post though and I remembered it so here it goes.

**** People should NOT be allowed to buy fat free cheese!******
so yeah, i work at a deli which all of you who read this know. This morning at work, one of my very first customers (actually may have been my was a slow morning) Asks me to slice her a half a pound of the fat free jalepeno jack cheese. YUCK! This shit is just nasty. First of all it's kind of rubbery. It was a REALLY weird texture when it slices. It just doesn't slice well any way, it sticks to our slicers and gets kind of clumpy andwell the shit is just nasty.

I'm sorry but who really thought of Fat Free cheese?! It should be against the law or should be a sin or something! How does someone even get pleasure out of eating that shit. I can't say that I've actually tried that particular cheese that I sliced today but I have had a taste of the Fat Free cheddar we have and it's gross. I also stole some cheese from a housemate once last year to use for chips and cheese and didn't realize that she had bought the fat free shredded cheddar until I tried melting it and it just turned all weird! bleh! I really don't see the goodness that comes from buying this shit! If you're going to eat cheese just eat the real stuff! it's so much better. Maybe buy the low sodium (which is also nasty, but a little better), but for heaven's sake! how the hell can you eat fat free cheese?! I really hope I never slice that stuff again.

so that's my rant on cheese. Just eat the real stuff people. it's SO much better.

besides my disgust for people who eat the fat free cheese... life is good. new job. yay! and that's about it.