Saturday, July 08, 2006

i don't see why anyone does drugs

As I watched the first two episodes of 'Grey's Anatomy' thursday night I caught a great quote. If you've seen the show you would know that it's about a bunch of surgeon interns in their first year. One of them gets the chance to be in on a surgery. Later she tellls her boss how amazing it was to be in the surgery room and says that it was 'such a high. I don't see why anyone does drugs'(well it was something to that effect) Anyway I thought about this a little bit longer and well, i'm not going to school to become a surgeon or anything but it's a good though. My week has been so great, and such a good high with out the drugs that I kind of started thinking like that character from Grey's Anatomy was.

The week has consisted of so much good stuff. Minus no job it's been great. I would detail every single thing but that would take forever. The fourth was great, getting to see family and later friends. the weekend before I got to see Davina. After the fourth I just got to see a lot of Natalie and we had a great time hanging out and watching movies mostly. I spent the days looking for jobs and sitting in the pool! How can that not be good?! :-) I kept getting to see people I hadn't seen in a long time and got to catch up with them, as much as I hated talking about what I am doing with my life now, it was fun hearing what everyone is up to. Then I had Thursday and Friday to look forward to. Natalie and I invited heaps of people to go out to Figlio's on Thursday, which is where we have met up with my sister and her friends a few times this summer. It was great! It was such a random group of friends but they all got along real well!!!!! this is probably what gave me the best high! I was so happy to reconnect with old friends, and to meet some new people and to just see so many people coming out to a bar with me and Nat! Life was good! We had old high school friends, friends from college, our friend Kyle who we met in Youth in Government, and a couple friends that helped out with drumline. It was great! Kim was my only Luther friend but she ended up running into other Luther people that I kind of knew. So there was just this really random group of people and it was good. We went home that night feeling so awesome! Natalie and I gabbed about it on the way home and the next day....which was friday of course! The Basilica Block Party! I went last year and it was great, and soooo good again this year. I love the Hopefuls, and all the bands seemed really awesome. There were SO many people there to see Guster. I only do so well with large crowds so I didn't stay to watch them, just listened from afar after I watched Mike Doughty! oh so fun! It was a beautiful night full of good people, food, and music. Who could ask for more?!

I just have this great feeling all over from such fun times! I don't know how else to explain it. I am also happy that I got an email from Britta ( I miss her a lot), a message from Shannon (so excited to see him in about a month) and learned that Greg Graffin of Bad Religion has a solo album! it's very pretty... i like him (check it out... -- if that doesn't work sorry... but it's the thought that counts)

so yeah... just good feelings all around. I think I also had a dream and friends Beth and LJ were in it. I miss them a whole lot too! just good feelings. Tonight... a party at Rob's with another great group of friends! can't wait!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

high school reunion #3

so tonight was probably about the third time that I have gone to a gathering that is close to a high school reunion. Mind you I have not found these events to be disappointing, uncomfortable or completely stupid...but they have been a bit weird. It started with Zoe's wedding where we got some Fridley gossip, then Katie and Ben's wedding, which really wasn't that weird because the people we were with I usually see. Tonight...4th of July... well we went to Mark's new place and hung out, then did fireworks. I got to see a group of people I hadn't seen in quite awhile. On top of that Mark is rooming with Nick and Dustin of whom I was never friends with in high school, but it was just more fridley people. Plus their friends were around, most of whom I recognized. It was all kind of a modge-podge of people. Including my boyfriend from high school who I thought I hadn't seen since freshman year of college, but really not since about sophomore year. Seeing him again made me realize why I liked him. He really is a nice guy. But then I think deeper and realize that we would differ on a lot of things. So not only was the ex-boy there, but I ran into this girl that I hadn't seen since the summer before senior year of high school. I met her at this big gathering called Girls State! It was Katie. She was so cool and we were buds at Girls state but we lost contact pretty quickly afterwards. It was so weird. She asked if I had been to Girls state and i looked at her and realized who she was. So weird! She's friends with Nick (a fridley guy, and also one of Mark's room mates). yeah, was random but cool. She, for no longer a red head, she's very blonde now. She's still really nice though. So it was good to see her, but the only word I can really use to describe seeing her is 'random'.

Overall it was fun to hang out with that group of people, and I'm sure we will hang out again, but not constantly. I enjoy people...It's interesting to hear what they were all up to, but it was SO annoying to have to answer the question of "what are you doing now?" and having no real good answer while Natalie was by my side loving telling everyone about her soon to be job at Mayo. It's cute how excited she gets about Micro-bio stuff :-) and she gets REALLY excited! ;-)

the day was good overall, a good fourth. Spending time up at my grandparents proved to be enjoyable, but wow did i eat WAY too much food today! :-P Now I have a stomach ache and want to get to sleep. sigh... such a good day.

Monday, July 03, 2006

one year

so this isn't going to be long and drawn out, but it's something I just felt I needed to post.

Mark it. It has now been one year since I left Australia. I left the country on July 3rd last year and made it home very early on July 4th (like 12 or 1am). It was a lot of traveling, a very stressful time in the Chicago airport, but i made it home and was even awake for grandma's fourth of july party the next day.

I'm not sure how much I really want to say on the subject, it's more of a reflection time for me and i don't know how to explain the feelings I have for Australia and its people a year later. What is kind of funny today though is that I was going through my laptop carrying case so that my sister could use it and I found $40! Nice! That's what happens when mom and dad tell you to not keep all your money in one place while traveling:-) I'm pretty sure I remember getting to Australia and after a couple days or weeks felt as though I was missing some money... well think i found it!

what else I feel i need to say is that I loved it, and I miss it... but I am so excited to see friends from that trip this summer. Hopefully Bec and Amber will make it out here, and well about a month or so from now Shannon should be in the states. It will be so nice to see their faces!