Tuesday, March 28, 2006

St. Louis

after a hectic couple of days last week I finally got the chance to chill out after wednesday. Although I did not do as well on my exams as I had hoped no worries... the weekend finally came and I was home free. And... although I got to bum around Thursday I spent all of friday in class and getting ready for my trip to St. Louis. The car got down to school just fine, sent my brother on his way back home, went to my last class, had pizza there, then got ready to go to st. louis. and this is the trip...

We left around 4:30 in the afternoon. My car making a stop to drop off one of the cars and then we made the rest of the trip. It was kind of an awkward one, but fun nevertheless. Thankfully we did not get lost and the directions got us there. I kept from freaking out thanks to the abilities and calming talk of Kari in the front seat. once we hit st. louis there was the task of finding the church that we were staying at which freaked me out the most because I had no idea where we were going and it was taking longer than I thought it would. Finally we made it there and tried our best to get to sleep even though we probably woke everyone up a bunch of times. :-P oops.

Saturday we began play at 9 and we played ALLLLLLLL day! 5 games with no breaks although after playing the wisconsin team we basically had a break because they killed us. We ended up winning 3 and losing 2 that day. overall it was a lot of fun. And then oh the joy of relaxing... Much pizza was eaten and much relaxing and socializing was done. Heck I got two backrubs out of the whole deal. some went to the party and others well we just sat around the church and played games or watched tv. I made it to bed early only to wake up with a sore neck. These floors were pretty hard...

Day two of playing had better weather...much more sunny and fewer clouds. We played three games and only won 1 of them. The other two games were pretty intense many words were exchanged between us and the other teams... not very nice words ... we made it through the day though and it was quite fun nevertheless... two of the cars left that evening and those that were left, well we stayed in St. Louis for the night... We watched the men's team win the tournament and what a game it was... It's funny to watch the men play and see how different of a game it can be. It was definitely an intense game with many calls and heated words exchanged. Allie, Andrea, Leah, Britta, and I sat and watched the game and had a lot of fun doing so. Funniest part was watching the woman on the side lines get plowed over by one of our own guys. hahah. it was quite hilarious and you had to be there to see it. Her and the chair went tumbling, beer went flying...but she came out alright, no real harm done and barely and beer lost. Plus her dog behind her was unharmed as well. So the group of us finished watching, hooked back up with Kari and Melissa, and had four hours to waste in St. Louis before getting back to the church. So first food at Taco Bell because it's tradition, where we spent an hour or more i'm guessing just chatting and getting refills on soda. Then the Arch. For those who do not know... St. Louis's attraction is this big metal arch on the riverfront. A shitty riverfront no doubt but a really cool arch structure! we played around in the park taking random photos for probably another hour or so which left us with at least another hour to kill... so... why not get ice cream? That wasted some more time and gave us even more time to just hang out...which was really fun the whole night. Back at the church we were all able to claim couches to sleep on! Thank god for some comfort! We spent the rest of the evening hanging out. Britta found some very silly books in the children's library which she read to us... they were a series "learning about sex" and oh my were they ridiculous! I don't think the word sex was ever mentioned in the "why boys and girls are different" book. Basically this is how you get a baby... two people love eachother, they get married in a church, and then a little bit of prayer gets you pregnant and wal-la! a baby and a family! Really this book by-passed anything important to teach children about sex and so did the other book. Kari also read us a book about the Easter Bunny and whether he was real. That book totally went around the issue of the Easter Bunny and never really answered that question. Again quite ridiculous. Oh religion...i have no idea what I think about it these days.

The next morning we split ways with Leah and Britta who are traveling for the week back packing somewhere. Kari, Melissa, Allie, Andrea and I started off back to Minneapolis. We finally got on the road with the car full of gas by 8:30 and were actually out of St. Louis by 9. It was raining and it continued to rain for the whole trip minus a couple of hours. We made our way out of Missouri, and through Illinois up to Cedar Rapids, IA to drop off Kari and Melissa. Then there were the three of us continuing to Minneapolis. Happily we never got lost on the way. Thought for sure I screwed us over almost but no worries we made it. On our way out of Cedar Rapids we travled maybe an hour and then ate something, and got back on the road... the total hours of the trip... 11 hours including our stops...:-P bleh. it wasn't too bad of a trip... once we finally hit Minnesota we were SO happy! The girls did homework or slept most of the way and we just constantly listened to music to keep us otherwise entertained. I was finally home by about 7:30/8 that evening after dropping off Allie and Andrea. Oh god how good it felt to be out of the car!

No real plans for the rest of break. Have a hair appointment tomorrow but that's about it. Dad went to Utah today for work and so I won't get to see much of him, but I did get to chat with him last night and today on the way to the airport. I spent the day sitting on the couch and feeding myself with unhealthy things...:-) I figure I can after spending two days running around all day...oh it was fun... i felt really good playing this weekend, like I was actually in shape a little and that I played some good games. Anyway that's about all... nothnig else really going on.. will spend the next few days getting senior paper stuff together, hanging out with my sister and maybe some friends who are around the cities. but for now more relaxing...:-)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

oh god! i looked for jobs online today!
Granted I went to the the career center the other day to figure how to get on top of things, and well i guess I have... nothing serious yet, but there are jobs out there that I can apply to and i think i would like. Although I kept looking and felt more of a need to want to be a therapist. i can't get those jobs with out at least a masters. Ugh!

More and more I think about how I'd like to go to Australia again and just live there. I'm sure they have jobs too. but I don't plan to leave the country for quite some time... i need to save some money... and why would i want to leave the country if mates are coming to visit here?! :-) it's coming soon and i can't wait!

Monday, March 20, 2006

so hey, it's been awhile. my bad. It's been a busy week or so. :-P Anyway read on...

First of all St. Patrick's Day: What a holiday. I'm not Irish, at least I don't think but i tried my best to enjoy the finer things we consider Irish. As in, irish car bombs, guiness, and the movie Boondock Saints. I spent the day in class but 4 pm rolled around and off to the bottle shop to pick up some beer. Came back, did dinner, and then spent the evening with six fun friends! A group of us girls got together and did car bombs, jello shots and played a drinking game to Boondock Saints! SO FUN! I have the photos to prove it too! So yeah, it was great. I spent the later part of the evening on the computer with Mel hopefully not talking too ridiculously... and then i was passed out by 12 or so. :-) Not a very long day of drinking but a good evening of it no doubt. I'd put up photos but let's be serious most of you that read this have facebook where i have put up the photos already. They are quite funny.

now this week has been alright considering. It's Thursday morning and i am pretty much done for the week! YES! took two exams yesterday that went fine. not as well as i would like but they went fine. Thank god they are done and so is my last assignment. Happily my soc professor cancelled class today as long as we all did an assignment which was just a revision of our research outlines. Awesome! So I'm done. I feel soooo relaxed and it's wonderful. I leave tomorrow for St. Louis to play frisbee! w00t! Today's tasks include catching up on reading and working on my senior paper, and also the hope of getting my computer fixed. Another reason why i have not written in while... broken computer! :-( stupid thing. I wish my life didn't depend so much on computers. Sigh... oh well we'll see... After st louis it's back home for what i hope to be a relaxing week!And really that's allthat i have for now.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

March weather

well... to keep at least Melissa updated i reckon i should write something. Really there is quite a bit i could write about. Such as...

had a GREAT conversation with a classmate, Andrea, the other day while going over a counseling exercise. It seriously was awesome. We got into talking about life after Luther which were the problems we were dealing with while going through the exercise. It was so refreshing to talk to someone new about this kind of thing and to hear someone else's perspective on life. It was amazing to hear her say how some days she's just so mad or annoyed and she's not sure why... WHOA! That's totally me sometimes too! I guess i can't really explain all of the conversation but it was good and made me feel HEAPS better about stuff.

On top of that the next day I went to a workshop to learn about what I can do with my four year degree. Woo Hoo! it was pretty interesting and it got me more motivated to go to the career center. As much as they said that I don't need to do something directly psych, i still really want to try to! It' s just my passion, my love. I want to work with people in more of that kind of setting instead of as some manager at a corporation or something. Anyway...that meeting lead me to last night where i ran into my friend Nathan who flat out asked me "what are you doing?" as in what am I doing with my life. "Not sure, don't know" was my reply. He was quite excited to hear that from me and with a sigh he said "me too". We decided then that we would go to the career center and make appointments together and be each other's support! I hope this support relationship continues. the next couple months are going to be hell when it comes to thinking about life after luther.

I skipped my first class of the year today. go me! I just decided that the hour and a half that I usually spend in class learning about research methods of sociology could be better spent studying. i of course threw in a little nap too ;-). So instead of class I studied for my exam tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll be good to go. this weekend however will be spent with many many books spread in front of me while I catch up on reading and get ready for three exams in the middle of the week :-P bleh. And hopefully on top of that I'll get some senior paper work in.

speaking of... just read the chapters in one of my counseling books, on procrasitnation. I actually did the little exercises in the book to get me thinking about how and why I procrasinate. It was probably an excellent thing for me to do! Now maybe I'll finally spend more time on my senior paper.

And lastly...March has THE craziest weather. Not only is there a whole lot of snow up in Minneapolis/St. Paul, but... today we played frisbee in the snow! There was supposed to be a HUGE snow storm today but we actually only ended up with about 3 inches? i'm guessing. Anyway since our tournament over spring break is coming up in a week we decided to practice in the snow! OH WHAT FUN! it was great snow...wonderful for packing into snowballs which inevitably led to a snowball fight. We scrimmaged for about an hour in the snow until we were sopping wet and REALLY tired. It's hard to run in snow first of all and even harder to try and keep yourself up! Anyway spring break starts a week from tomorrow and I can't wait. St. Louis here we come! it should be a whole lot of fun. Until then...study study study.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


ah peace...
that was my weekend. Not only was it seriously rather peaceful, with gorgeous weather and a whole lot of relaxing and no partying but the Peace Prize Forum was happening here at Luther and it was fantastic. Literally the weekend was about promoting peace, sustainable environmental practices and so much more! There were three big sessions with speakers who spoke of the environment mostly, and there was definitely the theme that you can not just sit back and wait for others to do something, you've got to do something if you want things to change. The other two sessions I went to advocated that also especially the first. The first was more of a discussion and it was pretty neat to listen to what people had to say. The second session i went to was Gendered Activism: Women, War and Peace. That was pretty awesome. The presentation was very good and it was so interesting to have certain things brought to my attention, just by talking about words that we use to describe war and peace and how they differe and seem gendered. It was interesting also to hear the speaker state that "peace is more than just the absence of war. " THis got me to thinking about the quote "the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation" from RENT. The first part of this quote is starting to make more sense to me now that is has been pointed otu to me that there is more to peace than just the absence of war. The opposite of war isn't always peace, not that i'm sure creation is the complete opposite, i have yet to figure that part out, let me ponder it for awhile.

Anyway over all it was such a good couple of days. The weather was absolutely fantastic and learning about peace is quite invigorating... it gets you so excited and I hope the excitement stays. I came away from Friday and Saturday's speakers and sessions feeling like i want to save the world! :-) I just need to do something. On top of this the weekend reiterated the fact that I want to go into some profession where I get to help people. Working with AIDS patients has become a new thought. I'm trying to also remind myself that I don't need to directly do psychology stuff, but a helping profession of some sort will do. Who knows, I have to try things first right? gain some experience.
anyway that's all i've got about that.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

spring needs to come faster!
Oh well at least this 45 degree (F) weather feels awesome.
I refuse to let that kind of weather keep me from wearing sandals and rolling up my jeans.! I want spring to come now... lalalalala LOVE this weather!

on top of this i just witnessed a very spectacular event in the cafeteria this evening on campus.
the men's frisbee team is heading out to Atlanta tonight and tomorrow for a tourney and they just took HEAPS of food from the caf! OH man! it was so hilarious! they had bags and bags of food. They took loaves of bread. Made heaps of sandwiches. Took some salt and pepper shakers, took the whole thing of gold fish crackers and some walked out with three oranges in each hand.

something else ridiculous was my inability to remember my shoes for the gym. I went to campus thinking i had all of my workout stuff only to realize an hour and a half later as I left my study spot to go to the gym that my running shoes were not attached to my backpack as I thought I done. Ever so confused I retraced my steps a bit thinking that maybe they had fallen from my bag, i decided not to walk all the way back to the house and just went to the gym instead to say hi to Krista and then sat down there and studied while I waited for her to get off work. We walked back to the house the way I came to see if I had dropped my shoes. Didn't find them, on the path, but they were, of course still in my room when I got home. :-) haha. I'm on top of things.

NO class tomorrow. Many classes are cancelled for the Peace Prize Forum. So I don't have any of my classes tomorrow which is really nice and so i have been a bum all evening, but i really have a lot to do still plus I still have work at 6am. :-P I can't decide what to do for another half hour before frisbee...and I have nothing left to say...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

weird weather

so we had our first frisbee practice tonight. w00t! sprint workout!
it was good. my ankle feels fine. practice was great.
we had to hold practice indoors this evening though instead of in the afternoon outside because...

well you see it decided to not only snow this weekend, but today it decided to snow/rain/sleet/hail and thunder all at the same time later this afternoon! It was the weirdest thing and the shittiest thing to walk back home in! bleh! I want warm spring and summer evenings with a luke warm rain that cools everything down. oh that smell of a cooling rain, maybe a good storm too. Damnit! why won't spring get here sooner?! I want to play outside too!

Anyway other frisbee things... the mens team is going to a tourney this weekend out of state...i think all the way in Georgia?! anyway... Blair's team from Rochester, NY is going to the same tournament! I wish our women's team was going so I could see Blair play again! I miss her and we have not talked in ages! sigh... oh the busy life of being a senior in college!I am convinced that Blair is a kick ass player now and I long to see her play. I also long to see her face so we can hang out. Next weekend would be a year from when we went to Melbourne to play our first Aussie tournament (that info courtesy of Blair). I miss Australia! (how many times can I say that?!)
i think that's all. Have an assignment that is in dire need of beginning and finishing.

funny feeling

um so i possibly hurt my ankle while playing frisbee this weekend. I'm really wondering now if something is wrong with it. The weirdest part is that my foot has felt like it has fallen asleep when i haven't been sitting on it. Ummm. weird. now I'm concerned I may have actually hurt myself which never happens. It's only slightly swollen so I haven't been too concerned. I played frisbee on it again last night with a brace on it and it felt fine. Only thing is the side of it feeling bruised. Hmmmmm... still hoping it's nothing actually bad.

so i should be studying for my quiz this afternoon, but really...break time! yay! I've spent maybe a total of two hours studying for this. The study guide actually seems a little ridiculous. I reckon I might be fine and be able to B.S. my way through the stupid thing. It's so bad when you don't care about a class and could give a rats ass about the professor. Did I mention that he sent us an email about how class went the other day. I felt like he was saying we were incompetent or something. He proably thinks we have very little respect for him which i think he is right in assuming. i don't have much for him especially after the 'crazy' comment. This should be interesting. Have to also have a research project idea. I wonder how that will go. Think I might ask to look at media from different countries, but i gotta figure out how i can do that. Melissa so happily said she would help me! thanks buddy.:-) Thanks to her love of media studies.

other thoughts. I hav been thinking about how my siblings and i get along now. It's really cool, cuz i feel like we get along with one another a whole lot more than we used to. It's funny cuz AJ says she thinks she used to hate me, but now she loves me and we talk about how much we miss eachother all the time. i don't think i ever hated her... she was my big sister... i liked looking up to her but she was a bit too much for me sometimes I suppose. It's all such a weird but very cool relationship. Don't worry i like my brother too. I think we are finally learning how to get along and tolerate eachother. It's good. I love my siblings! :-)

i'll leave you with this: "It's hard to do this backwards"
"You should try it in heels"

Monday, March 06, 2006

whole lot of frisbee

frisbee all around! Yeah!

so I played frisbee this weeekend and it was SO much fun. we traveled 6 hours to Duluth to play at an indoor tournament. We went up on Saturday and hung out at the hotel for the evening, chilling... then played at noon the next day. After figuring out the schedule because a team dropped that morning we were on our way. We brought two teams and so got A LOT of playing time. Overall it was a whole lot of fun. THere were many worries about the weather since it had been snowing all morning and afternoon, but by the end of the tournament and after many phone calls to our parents about the conditions on the road and the weather we got going. Oh but before that we had to jump one of the girl's cars because her lights had been left on. Needless to say none of us knew what we were doing. We were sure we had it at one point but her car wouldn't start still. Thank God for the kid that pulled in the parking lot who had a racing jacket on. We figured he had to know something about cars! Luckily he did and what did we forget to do that Britta later realized she knew we should have done but had slipped her mind? Just to give the other car some gas and then WA-LA! the car started. So then we were down to two of the four cars...two just wanted to keep traveling and our other two decided to stop in town for food before we left. While getting food, one of the other cars had a problem. Broken winshield wiper! what the hell were we going to do about this one? It was still kind of rainy out and the roads were full of water so there was no doubt that her windshield would get dirty every five seconds! We sat and at food and figured things out. After a couple phone calls with tips, they finally decided to just try and 'finagle' it around to see if anything was loose. We ended up going to a gas station down the street to see if they had a wrench or something. The guy working who didn't know much about cars came out to help and a few minutes later... WA-LA fixed windshield wiper! the last two cars could now be on their way! Finally we started to head out of Duluth
(oh and p.s. I LOVE Duluth. my great grandpa used to live there and we always went there for Easter! so cool! there was a park near his house that was under the freeway! good times! i loved grandpa's house and the lake and the park! Mom's aunt and uncle still live there too. But overall...love the place!)

Anyway we headed out of Duluth, the two cars, with two ahead. But what did we hit coming out of Duluth!? FOG! and LOTS OF IT! Luckily our drivers are good safe drivers and we made it through, once out of the fog it was smooth sailing. Well that is until the other car called us and said they stopped because the car had been making noise. Ok fine, they'll be ok, they just wanted to make sure. So we continue...we make a stop like an hour out of Minneapolis to take a quick pee break, get back on the road and who catches up with us? the other car! We travel into the cities... They think they're behind our car and get off on some exit, figure it's not us close to 20 minutes later and get back on the freeway... i don't know if they ever caught up with us again, they might have, but we also might have caught up with the car ahead of us. Anyway...overall we all made it home safe and sound by about 1 am! sooner that we actually had thought!

About 6 hours in a car! oh man! three of us in the back seat was kind of hard... it felt SO GOOD to move when i finally got out and stretched. So granted it was only 1 am, i still decided NOT to go to work so I called in about 1:30 leaving a message that I wouldn't be there. Probably a good move on my part considering I had an exam today. The extra two hours of sleep I'm sure did me some good. Luckily the exam went just fine and I mad it through the day still feeling a bit sore and wondering about my ankle which hurt last night and a bit this morning. Being so tired I haven't done much homework tonight and i have another quiz tomorrow. I should really review for that and figure out a research topic which I have to have by tomorrow. well at least an idea. Hey i just thought of an idea. it would be really cool if i could compare tv programs from different countries. hmmm I'll pitch the idea at least. we'll see. Anyway we had our last indoor frisbee intramural game tonight. We made it to the championships! YEAH! it was so much fun. Our team is SO cool i love them and now I am sad taht I won't get to spend much time with them because they are that cool. I will miss their lovely faces on tuesday and thursday nights! sigh... Anyway we played another team that played monday wednesday nights. We lost but only by about 4 points. The thing that mattered most was that we had fun. I really did. Had quite a few giggles (Krista had a lot) for the ridiculousness of the other team being kind of a bunch of jack asses, but whatev. It was fun and we had some spirit. Best was watching the kid I was on try to go long and he really didn't do much. w00t! that's right I had some defense! I'm quite proud of that fact, not gonna lie...After the team hung out at Marty's on campus and got some yummy slushies and we just chatted...chilled. It was fun. These people are SUPER cool.
SO that's that. Whole lot of frisbee!

I'll try to update more. Clearly I cannot keep up with Melissa who updates like every five seconds about EVERYTHING, which i'm not complaining about because it gives me a chance to figure out what's up in her life, but i really can't no compare to her posts. Like how she just wrote about a random dream she had. I just had one. I went to a movie with someone, and ran into Shannon and Ric (another Aussie) at the movie theatre and Shannon had glasses (which he doesn't have in real life) So random but not as random as Mel's dream. I reckon I need to do a post after having six beers like her, and maybe I'll remember mine, unlike her :-) hahaha. Oh and thanks Mike for commenting on my blog. Much appreciated I can't wait to show u and AJ how to do the bottle thing. Who's buying the beer? ;-)

Speaking of beer... since I just mentioned it twice... I really wish I could have been drinking some this past weekend...Sounds like my mates from Aus had a fantastic time celebrating Shannon's 21st! Especially since most of them said they had a hang over most of the days this past weekend. Monday the 6th is actually his birthday and I guess he also had a few drinks on Monday night...little hung over Tuesday. By the way figuring out when Aussie friends will be home seems to be so difficult later. Really wanted to call Shannon on his birthday and it was so hard figuring out when he would be home so I could call and it was sunday night here, and I was beat! Anyway it got figured out but damn what an effort it seemed to be at 2 am trying to call someone to wish them happy birthday!

that's all I think i have. now back to real life where I have to study, ice my ankle, and figure out my life. But to go along with Amber, I won't be too logical about anything. ;-)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

nothing special but it's an update.

haven't posted in awhile. felt i should.

life has been good. School is going well. It's just nice to start the semester off with decent grades on exams and assignments. Life has been pretty chill. The senior paper still hangs over my head, but I am more positive about it than last semester. It is sometimes constantly on my mind, just thinking of things I would need to include. I have more research than I did for the other paper already, so it's got to be a good start right?

I'm itching to get out and play frisbee. Spring needs to get here sooner! Indoor frisbee has been heaps of fun though. We've won quite a few games and will play in the championships on monday! w00t! go us! It should be a really interesting game. I love frisbee. Britta and I just had a talk about why we like it. Spirit of the game. That's what it's all about and it pains us to see people who do not play with that in mind and get way too upset. :-(

i keep thinking about what it is I want to do with my life. I have yet to make an appointment with the career center and to fix my resume. I really should do these things and try to find something interesting for a job when I get out of here. Three months left! weird! I really hope to move to Minneapolis and get a place with some friends and be in the city. Although saving money for awhile isn't a bad idea either.

Some things that have bothered me lately... my sociology class. I am not a fan of research methods. I feel like i don't need it. I wish i didn't .I don't plan to do research, especially in the field of sociology. Well that's what I think so far. Anyway... I got so pissed at my professor. Not only is he boring and random in the first place but when he used the word 'crazy' while refering to a psychological test that helps psychologists to determine if someone has a psychological disorder, i flipped! ugh! I'm sorry that is just so... what't he word? ignorant?! yeah i think that sounds right. GEEZ. i just can't stand hearing that word being used to describe someone with a psychological disorder. He's quite the character. I don't think he likes our class much but then again I don't think our class likes him much.

Life is good for the most part. And that's all i really have to say. I'm very happy about things and am enjoying classes. I've really got nothing else to say.